Shooter's Alley
















I am just arriving home from the Smackdown taping at the Gwinnett Arena in Duluth. As I sat outside in the semi-cold weather and as I sat there waiting for the show to begin I had a few thoughts. Then the matches started and my head really raced. I thought I would share those with you here


Why do radio station (especially FM)feel they have to make asses out of themselves just becuase they are at a wrestling event? If these girls are really the girls from beer company, then what do they wear on casual Friday? Did I just spend ten bucks on program for my wife? You know there are usually enough workers spread around the crowd at these shows to do a small indy show. Why do they give ring rats their own entrance? This guy next to me smells like tapioca pudding. Speaking of which, exactly what is tapioca? Wow Hotstuff Hernandez and Kurt Angle really are twins. You know this would have probably been the kind of day the Braves would have scheduled a parade had they won the World Series let alone make it. No wonder Gwinnett Arena parking is free, these food prices are outrageous. Guess now is good a time as any to go on that diet. Ah, fuck a diet! Wow, I really am going bald. Dawn Marie just dipped herself in chocalate, an even better reason not to go on diet, I'd feel really bad if Simon Diamond was a diabetic right about now. Speaking of Diamond, baseball season starts in five months, and have you seen this years free agent list? If I were you I'd get a Javy Lopez and Gary Sheffeild jersey right now, or better yet just wait until they sign new contracts with new teams. They will be cheaper.


Now onto a NAWA report. Things are looking great up in Rome. AJ Styles defended the NWA World title twice against Ray Gordy and both matches were phenominal. Jay Fury is getting a TNA try-out December 17. He has impressed many since his debut in the NAWA as well as NWA Wildside. Nemesis is dropping weight and getting into shape. He has had a couple shots up at Wildside and has just become a regular up there. Iceberg suffered a neck injury and was taken off the Fright Night card in Wildside. However, he will be in action this coming weekend in Rome. The NAWA's relations with the NWA has also allowed a great deal of talent to make their way to Rome including Icarus, Nick Halen, Skeeter Frost, and others. There is a link to the NAWA site on my links page, or you can email me and I'll hook you up with all the info on attending a NAWA show.


Now to close this out, with what made Shooter's Alley famous (well almost), the "Shoot". This month's subject, being humble. Why does it seem that always the guy who is the quietest in the back, the laid back one, the one who is "just happy to be there", why is he always the one who seems to make it? Then you have the guy who talks the loudest, the guy who has all the answers, and the one who "goes into business for himself", why is he always the one left behind and the guy no one wants around? Now don't get me wrong, this business is full of egos, hell you have to have one to make it. Where is the line drawn though? The lines are blurred, but that is where another quality must step up and help supress the ego and keep it in check. That quality, is modesty or being humble. Now a vast majority of the guys in the NAWA stay humble and don't let things go to their head. However, there is a bad apple in every bunch. I am not going to name names here, but everyone can look around and know who this is about. It is the green guy who has all the answers. Instead of listening, they choose to go their own path, because they "were feeling the crowd". It is the guy who talks the loudest, but doesn't say much of nothing. It is the guy, who instead of stepping up his game, talks about it, and then when it isn't up to par he cloaks his failures by wearing the robe of denial. He feels he has no shortcomings and blames things on others. It is the same guy you share your dressing room with. It is the same guy who you may have worked at some point and left the match feeling unfulfilled. It isn't fair to the team to have to tolerate this kind of behavior. This is a joint effort and everyone has a part to make this thing work. There are guys there who have done a million times more than the rest of us combined, but they don't talk about it. They let their work speak for itself. They are the ones who take the newer guys and help bring them to the next level. They are the newer guys or the green guys who listen and bust their asses to reach that next level, and they are the guys who are on the verge of greatness, the ones who are right there ready to take that next step. The guys who will become the next AJ Styles, Rick Micheals, Iceberg, and the countless others before them, who continue to listen, learn, and work hard week in and week out to perform at a level beyond perfection. These are the guys who should do the shouting, but they don't. Instead they whisper, if they even talk at all. Why should they, they have the rest of us to do their bragging for them. Now, since I didn't mention any names, I want the person who feels this the most to look around you and see what I see, and if it went over your head, I want the rest to help him. Alot of us aren't blessed with natural size and ability. We work hard at it. I personally find myself offended when someone with that going for them throws it all down the toilet because they have a shitty attitude and outlook on this great business. So please I beg of you, let's reach out a hand and pull this person up, but then again it might be too little, too late.


Well, that's it for now. If I offended anybody, good! I don't give a fuck anymore. I have my own shit to worry about, and yes I am thankful for everything God has blessed me with. I have some great friendships, I have a wonderful family at home as well as my extended family in this business. I also want to end this with a thank you to all the guys who paved the roads in this business for me and my colleagues. I also want to express my deepest sympathies to all those we have lost this year, Curt Hennig, Miss Elizabeth, Freddie Blassie, Bene, Stu Hart, and Road Warrior Hawk. God Bless each and everyone of you.